The 2018 Anti-Aging Event

2018 Anti Aging Event pic

Join Dr. Bates and her team of experts for an afternoon of education, great specials, live demos, and fun! 
Learn about the innovative technologies and treatments to help you look and feel your very best!

Learn about Botox, Juvederm, Voluma, Kybella, SkinMedica and age management medicine.
The event is FREE but this event is very popular and will fill up quickly!

RSVP today to save your seat! 

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Mark Your Calendar! Free Weight Loss Seminar

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Tuesday, Feb 20th at 12:30pm 
Dr. Rosemary Bates will host a weight loss and body sculpting seminar! 
Dr. Bates will answers your questions about diets, procedures and medically supervised weight loss options. 
We will also have a LIVE COOLSCULPTING demonstration.

CS Feb 2018 Event

-A light lunch will be provided.
-This event is already booking up so please RSVP to reserve your seat.
-The event is FREE but spaces are limited.
-RSVP today by calling 972-519-1600

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KYBELLA® for Bra Fat = BraBella.

You asked for it, we have it!


If you don’t like your bra fat, let us melt it away with KYBELLA®.

Kybella img

What is BraBella?

Kybella injected into the bra line, also known as “BraBella,” is the hottest thing to hit the aesthetics world. The BraBella procedure reduces the bra bulge that can be extremely bothersome to women.

With a full treatment of Kybella in this area, the product dissolves that small pocket of fat in at about 4-6 weeks.

Patients typically require about 2 treatments, roughly 6 weeks apart. Expect tenderness and swelling for at least 1-2 weeks following the procedure.

Over the next couple months following treatment, that unwanted fat pocket will disappear gradually.

Brabella before and after

The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat along the bra line, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in “bra fat”.

Once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your desired aesthetic goal.

A BRABELLA treatment package consists of 4 vials of Kybella

(2 treatments consisting of 2 vials per treatment.)  

Total cost $1999. 

Bra Bulge Wedding Dress

Join us for our Kybella Lunch & Learn event Friday, Jan 19th at noon

for special pricing and a live demonstration.

Please RSVP 972-519-1600. 

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Kybella Chin Chat 1/19/18

Sweater Kybella

Please join us for our Kybella Chin Chat on Friday, January 19th from 12-1pm. 

A light lunch will be provided along with our Kybella presentation and live demo. 

*One-Day-Only pricing specials*

The event is FREE but spaces fill up quickly. Please RSVP here to save your spot. 

Q: What is Kybella?

A: Kybella is an FDA-approved, non-surgical injection for reducing moderate to severe fullness in the sub-mental region commonly known as the “double chin” in adults.

The injections are made up of a naturally occurring substance in the body called deoxycholic acid. Once injected into the fat cells- deoxycholic acid destroys fat cells permanently.

Q: Who is a good candidate?  

  1. Someone who has mild to moderate fullness in the double chin area that bothers them.
  2. Someone who does not want to or is not medically able to have plastic surgery or liposuction. Kybella only requires the patient to have an office visit for injections in their chin, so general anesthesia is not required.

Q: How long does a treatment take?

A: You will be numbed topically with a cream for about 30 minutes prior to the injections. Once we begin injecting, it will take approx 5-10 minutes total.

Q: Does it hurt? 

A: A few minutes after we begin injection you will start to feel a burning sensation. This peaks about 5 minutes after we start injecting and lasts for about 15 minutes.

Q: What are the side effects? 

A: As stated above, you will have some temporary but quick discomfort immediately following the injections. You will also start to swell. Swelling will be the worst on the day after your treatment and last for about a week or so. You may also experience bruising or numbness in the treated area which will go away.

Q: How many treatments will I need?

A: There is no “cookie cutter” protocol for Kybella. Every person has their own problem area. The amount of fat and the disposition of the fat will vary from person to person.

Most people who are candidates will need at least 2 treatments (spaced out 6 weeks apart) and 2-3 vials of Kybella at each session.

Q: When will I see results? 

A: Typically you can start to see results from the first treatment in 4-6 weeks. Due to the fact that you will most likely be treating again at the 6 week mark (and, thus, swelling again) expect to begin to see results about 4 weeks after the 2nd treatment. You will continue to see improvement for up to 3 months after your last session.

Q: What is the cost of the treatment? 

A: It depends on how many treatments and vials are needed to achieve your results.

The typical cost per vial is $500. However, we will be running package pricing specials at our Chin Chat event January 19th.

Q: What about the skin afterwards? 

A:  Many people ask if the skin overlying the fat will become loose if the fat is removed. In our professional experience, we have found this not to be the case. We believe it is because the inflammatory reaction that occurs which stimulates collagen formation in the area and keeps the overlying skin tight.

*However, if there is no fat below the chin area and all you have is loose skin-this would not be the right treatment for you.


Kybella Jennifer

Kybella Andy

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Please join us for our Kybella Chin Chat on Friday, January 19th from 12-1pm. 

A light lunch will be provided along with our Kybella presentation and live demo. 

*One-Day-Only pricing specials*

The event is FREE but spaces fill up quickly. Please RSVP here to save your spot. 

What is BBL?

Q. When you think of youthful skin, what do you think of? 

A. Youthful skin is most often described as being bright and light reflective; with an even tone and smooth texture. Baby skin

Aging skin, however, is characterized by brown spots, dullness, textural changes (like lines and wrinkles), and uneven coloring. This is all due to years of exposure to UV rays, pollution and how you are genetically programmed to age. 

Aging Skin

By now, you probably heard of terms like “photofacial“, IPL and BBL. Maybe you aren’t quite sure what they mean or what the difference is between IPL and BBL so we are here to answer those questions for you!


BBL tx

This stands for Intense Pulse Light. It’s often also referred to as “photofacial”.

IPL is a technology where high intensity light is used on the skin to target and correct colors, like brown pigmentation and redness.



This stands for BroadBand Light.

BBL treatment

BBL is an enhanced version of IPL that allows us to create safer, more effective treatments with less social downtime. It is a safe, FDA-cleared treatment for correction of skin conditions like photo-aging, sun damage and vascular conditions like rosacea.



So why choose BBL over IPL?

The cutting edge technology brought to you by BroadBand Light Therapy is currently ahead of the game when it comes to skin rejuvenation. The BBL machine is equipped with advanced cooling features, allowing the use of high-powered energy with minimal discomfort. Forever Young BBL treatment is fast – sessions usually take around 30 minutes – comes with zero or minimal social downtime and provides long-lasting results. BBL is effective on any area of the body but most commonly used on the face, neck, chest and hands. (3 to 5 initial treatments are typically recommended)

Forever Young BBL will not only improve brown pigmentation, flushing and redness but many of our patients comment on the improvement they see in their pores and skin’s brightness and luminosity.

At Bates Wellness and Aesthetic Center, we use Sciton’s BBL because, simply put, it is the best light-based treatment out there.


Stanford Study

This Stanford Study on BroadBand Light proves BBL treatments can change the expression of genes associated with aging and longevity to more closely resemble young skin’s genetic esxpression. It’s the closest thing we have to a “Benjamin Button” treatment and more advantages to BBL treatments are being discovered every day! It’s very exciting!

Our Senior Laser Practitioner, Michelle Palcic, has worked with the Sciton technology for over 5 years and worked closely with the company to help establish treatment protocols for various Sciton platform applications.

She has participated in multiple preceptorships over the past three years under the direction of world renowned dermatologist Dr. Patrick Bitter to learn his Forever Young BBL techniques and pearls!

At Dr. Bates Wellness and Aesthetic Center you get the best technology, the best practitioners and THE BEST RESULTS. Our goal is to take GREAT care of you!

Check out some of these before and after pics then

call us to schedule your free consultation!


BBL Face Brown and Red

BBL hands

BBL chest

BBL face Bright

BBL nose

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Join us for our biggest event of the year! 
Bates Wellness & Aesthetic Center’s Annual Open House!

Live demonstrations, free hors d’oeuvres, wine and a charity raffle to win FREE products and services such as Botox, Coolsculpting, Halo by Sciton and SkinMedica products.
Attendees will receive 20%OFF products and services! 

100% of all proceeds from raffle sales will go to Genesis Women and Children’s Shelter.

Open House flyer

100% Raffle Ticket Sales will be donated to Genesis Women and Children’s Shelter. 

Genesis info pic cropped

The event is FREE but please RSVP to attend.


or click HERE to RSVP on Facebook.



Confidence Looks Good On You…

August filler event pic
You’re invited to join Bates Wellness and Aesthetic Center for our LUNCH & LEARN event featuring the Juvederm Family of Fillers.
-Attendees receive 15% off all fillers
-Live filler demonstration with AccuVein Visualization Technology
-Lunch will be provided
Cosmetic Accuvein
Bates Wellness and Aesthetic Center now has Accuvein!
We are the first in the North Dallas area to have this breakthrough device!
AccuVein allows our Cosmetic Injector to actually SEE all veins in the face to virtually eliminate bruising during fillers and Botox!
AccuVein is the GOLD STANDARD in patient care, comfort and satisfaction and we are the first to have it! 
Be sure to visit our office to see how we stand out from the rest.
Please RSVP to attend. The event is FREE but spaces are limited.
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Bates Wellness and Aesthetic Center now has AccuVein!
We are the first in the North Dallas area to have this breakthrough device!

#ACCUVEIN allows our Cosmetic Injector to actually SEE all veins in the face to virtually eliminate bruising during #fillers and #Botox!
Accuvein is the GOLD STANDARD in patient care, comfort and satisfaction and we are the first to have it!
Be sure to visit our office to see how we stand out from the rest.

Call to schedule your Complimentary Cosmetic Consultation 972-519-1600.

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